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Australian Muslim Advocacy Network

Since 2015, we’ve been at the forefront of advocating for the rights of the Muslims of Australia and challenging harmful and abusive actions against our community.

The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN) is a national advocacy organisation that upholds human and civil rights, religious freedoms, justice, and peace.

Our approach is shaped by Islamic values and the freedoms of democracy, emphasising the sanctity of life and freedom of religion. We utilise political processes and media engagement to protect and empower.

Happy Muslim Family

AMAN operates nationally to prevent emotional and physical abuse experienced by the Muslim community due to prejudice, discrimination, Islamophobia, xenophobia and racism. AMAN works to prevent this abuse, and the effects of this abuse. The effects include:

  • limits on personal liberty;
  • limits on the fulfilment of other fundamental human rights;
  • the tendency to internalise dehumanising messages and negative stereotypes; and
  • the tendency to accept or normalise inferior status or rights.
Muslims hugging

Advocacy for Clear Legal Standards

Our foremost objective is to establish unequivocally through legislation, policy, and education, that inciting hatred and violence under the guise of ‘free speech’ is unacceptable. With a commitment from the Albanese Government to enact religious discrimination and vilification laws, we are dedicated to ensuring these measures are passed in Parliament.

Reforming Counter-Terrorism Legislation

We aim to revise Australian Terrorism Laws to eliminate the classification of ‘religiously motivated’ terrorism. We assert that all acts of terrorism are political and ideological. Islam unequivocally condemns terrorism. The current framing within Australian law fuels racist nationalist movements by wrongly associating our faith with terrorism, a narrative often amplified by media outlets.

Collaborative Efforts Across Sectors

We are committed to engaging with government institutions, legal bodies, law enforcement, media, technology companies, regulatory agencies, and research organisations to safeguard the Australian Muslim community from harm.

Volunteer Board of Directors

Registered Not-for-Profit

100% Tax Deductible